Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stupid Broken Ankle: Week 10

The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the a...
The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle. Lateral aspect. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Things progressed really well for me this week in terms of walking again with much less limp. I went all week sans boot. I was rather depressed at the end of last week when I was without the boot a few days and had a pretty severe limp.  It's gotten much better this week, which makes me happy.

 I saw the OS (orthopedic surgeon) today.  Probably won't be the last time I see him, but he said he didn't see any reason to book a follow appointment with him unless (until) my ankle bothers me.  He highly predicts that in a year I will need to have the plate and screws removed, which will involve surgery and holes in my bones that will have to heal again.  I pointed out that I have a tendon (peroneal tendon) that is popping over my outside ankle.  He said I would likely have to have surgery to fix it.  It would involve deepening a grove behind my outer ankle bone and attaching a sheath to hold it in place.  Since I will very likely, in his opinion, need surgery to remove the plates and screws he suggested taking care of both at the same time.

He also thought I should start physical therapy to get my range of motion and strength back.  He let me pick my own place/PT and I suggested one with an Alter G treadmill so I could maybe get to running again sooner than I would otherwise.  He thought that was a wise idea. :-)  But I can't run until I can flex my ankle toe to shin and have enough strength in my calf to push off. Crossing fingers the peroneal tendon resolves itself on it's own, or I might not be doing much running next year.

I think I'm ready to sign up for AXS Moab 30 hour race October, 2015. Maybe I should wait a little while before committing.

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