Friday, October 10, 2014

My Broken Ankle: Week 3

This is week 3.  The half way point to an end.  Sort of.  I have it in my head that by the end of this week I'll be walking again, but that isn't necessarily true.  I just want to think positive.

I stopped taking all narcotic medication this week.  Last week I was tapering off them and this week I completely stopped.  As soon as I stopped taking them I felt sick. Body aches, chills and sweats (but no apparent fever), stomach was slightly nauseated.  This lasted for 4 days. It was like having the flu. We chalked it up to withdrawals from the narcotics.  I would have never guessed this would happen.  It sucked.  It's bad enough I'm stuck on a couch all day and can't do jack for myself, but now I feel like crap on top of it.  I was so happy when I finally felt normal again.

Swelling and incision of inner ankle
Here is a side by side comparison of my ankle/feet I took after showering. So nice to be able to take the boot off!  I still have the man's cadaver foot attached to my right leg. The inside scar is really ugly and brown. Lots of bruising along my Achilles, heel, and middle of my leg.  Cadaver man's foot freaks me out still.  Washing it in the shower is the worst because I can't feel myself washing it (skin is still numb).  Notice the bump on the middle top portion of my foot?  I do not know what that is.  It was there when the plaster cast was taken off the end of week 2.  It's hard like bone, so I wonder if I did something to that bone when I crashed or if it was caused by pressure from the cast.  I hope it goes away.
My outside incision looks much better than the inner incision.

Next week I am supposed to be able to start riding a recumbent bike - no resistance.  I'm super excited to get to do some sort of physical activity. I've done a few push-ups and planks here and there over that last week, but only from my knees and I can't put weight on my foot.  I'm not sure if I'm supposed to remove my boot or leave it on.  My plan is to leave it on and if that doesn't work I'll take it off.  I also don't know how long to do it.  Hmm, perhaps these were questions I should have asked at my 2 week appointment. Drat!

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