Friday, October 10, 2014

My Broken Ankle: Week 1

I pretty much spent all of week 1 on the couch and on full dose pain meds.  Percocet 5/375 or something like that.  I took 2 pills around every 4 - 5 hours.  My husband kept me on track of when to take my meds and set his alarm so I would take them at night.

I kept my foot propped up on pillows all the time.  If I didn't it felt like my foot would explode and it would turn purple.  The skin on my foot was numb with a few spots on top that just felt like fire when you touched them.  I hated it.  I also had some pin and needle feelings.  In addition to all of this was the just the horrible constant pressure from the swelling.

Pancho Snuggles
I slept a lot. The dog and I became best of nap partners.  Occasionally one of the cats would snuggle too (on the rare occasion the dog wasn't already on top of me). When I wasn't sleeping I would read a few Facebook posts or respond to text messages which were now out of control with people asking how I was doing and if they could do anything to help.  People also started to come to visit or drop off flowers, plants, casseroles, food, candy, etc.  I enjoyed it when someone stopped by and I could chat with them.  My husband (and kids) enjoyed the food being dropped off as it was one less thing for him to have to do on top of everything else.  These are things that are greatly appreciated.
Winston Snuggles
My husband got me a knee scooter at some point during this week so I could get around the house easier than using crutches.  Unfortunately, our house is a 2 story, so I'm limited to using it downstairs only.  The great thing about the scooter is that I have one free hand!  I can actually do something with one free hand, when I'm awake that is.  I can carry a glass of water.  I can also spill a glass of water.

I managed to get out of the house a couple times.  It was awful and I almost wished I didn't, but it was something out of the house.  I say it was awful because my foot would be on the verge of exploding, it was very painful, and I was quite tired.

On day 3 I realized I had not had a BM.  I sent hubby to get me some milk of magnesia (cherry flavor) to alleviate the problem.  This soon became a daily ritual.  This is the downside to using narcotics.  I also took daily stool softeners.

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